Monday, May 18, 2020

Diversity Assignment Washburn Diversity - 902 Words

Diversity Assignment Washburn values diversity as it serves to make the world more interesting and creates a well-rounded learning environment that promotes intellectual curiosity. I feel that the most important aspect of the Washburn diversity statement is creating that well-rounded learning atmosphere. It encourages students to form their own opinions about the world and not simply listen to what anyone tells them. In regards to the Washburn diversity statement, I would say that I definitely support it as it seeks to create well-rounded individuals with the free will to see the world in whatever way they see fit. The name of the individual I met with was Brandon Habig, a student in another section of WU 101 who was an acquaintance from high school. While we did go to the same high school, our differences include the fact that he was a relatively hard worker, receiving a 4.0 grade point average at the end of high school whereas I put minimal effort into high school only receiving a 3.2 by the end. Additionally, we grew up in very different households with his parents forcing him to get a job where mine were largely unbothered by my lack of employment. There was a reason that I chose to interview him over the countless other acquaintances I have made over my short time in college, I wanted to have a serious discussion. I felt that it was necessary to meet with someone I was relatively familiar with so that I could ask serious questions without coming off as jaded orShow MoreRelatedThe Value Of Diversity At Washburn University1254 Words   |  6 Pages Washburn University has always been proud of having diversity since it first opened its doors to the public 151 years ago. If you are to look around campus many are able to see how much diversity is valued by the campus as a whole, they know everyone is different and each person has their own story to tell. If a university made it where no one is allowed to talk about where they came before and how they ended up where they are in life. what is the point of being proud of who you are? For me, itRead MoreSadie Hawkins Day and Valentine Grams18321 Words   |  74 Pagespercussion performs well; very Overture to Nabucco by Verdi, and High returning from previous years. sensitive. However, the effect of the ended the concert with New England However, Evergreen Valley High performance would be a lot stronger if Holiday by Washburn. It seemed that School replaced Yerba Buena High the violinists’ bowings were in sync,† the Symphonic Orchestra hit some difficulties in certain portions of their School as the third school in this said Dr. Felder in his recordings. The Legend was

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