Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Animal Testing Is Unethical - 1089 Words

Shaelyn Mounts Professor Martinez English 101 4 December 2017 Animal Testing Animal testing is a practice which scientists have been using for hundreds of years. It uses non-human animals to test how substances may affect their behavior or health. Whether or not it should be allowed has been a debated for years. Some believe animal testing to be unethical. Others believe it to be a necessary evil that has advanced our scientific knowledge. There are also those who believe that animals hold the same rights as humans, and of course there are those who disagree. I hold the opinion that animal testing should be banned. The torturous pain and suffering of the animals involved is unethical, unnecessary, and unreliable. Animal experimentation is†¦show more content†¦But because it’s mice, rabbits, etc. the public seems to pay no mind to the ethics behind animal experimentation. Because there are so many alternatives to animal testing it is completely unethical to continue it. Animal testing is unnecessary. Some may say that animals are our only option to determine whether a product is safe for use. However, that is simply not the case. â€Å"Most animal experiments are not relevant to human health, they do not contribute meaningfully to medical advances and many are undertaken simply out of curiosity and do not even pretend to hold promise for curing illnesses† (Animal 1). Experiments out of curiosity should be conducted using alternatives such as computer simulation or in vitro testing. Both represent how a substance will react with a human. They have both provided accurate results. Computer simulation uses data sets to model the potential side effects of a drug. In vitro testing uses human cell models to predict how toxic a drug may be. The United States military and many universities have used both of these methods. There is no reason to use a live animal for such experiment. There is also no reason to use animals for what we do today. For exa mple, beauty products. A lot of makeup products share the same formulas yet are still tested on animals. The reason for this is because companies want to be able to increase profits and sell in Chinese markets. Animal testing is mandated byShow MoreRelatedAnimal Testing Is Unethical?1061 Words   |  5 PagesCOMM101-110 Speech Title: Why Animal Testing Is Unethical General Purpose: To expose my audience to animal testing. Specific Purpose: To make people aware of how animal testing is cruel and outdated. Organizational Pattern: INTRODUCTION: (1) Attention Getting Device: Years ago animal testing was started to help humans obtain information. Now almost every product on the market has been tested on an animal during some stage of its production. Through these test thousands of animals die painful deaths everyRead MoreEssay about Animal Testing is Unethical1385 Words   |  6 Pageswill be. You cant even decide when the lights go on and off. Think about spending your entire life like this, even though you didnt do anything wrong or commit a crime. This is life in a laboratory for animals. It is deprivation, isolation, and misery. Now think about the needs of the animals that are caged up and stripped away from their natural homes. For example, chimpanzees spend hours everyday grooming each other feeding their young and providing a comfortable environment for them to liveRead MoreEnding Animal Cruelty647 Words   |  3 PagesAnimal testing is used internationally to understand and create medicines and to test the safety of products. Almost 20 million animals are experimented on and killed annually worldwide, an estimated eight million of which are subjects in experiments involving pain while at least 10 percent of these animals do not receive painkillers (Andre Velasquez, 1988). Clearly these experimentations are reducing the quality of life for these animals, and as such there has been growing criticism of animalRead MoreAnimal Testing Should Not Be Banned1673 Words   |  7 Pages8322020 Animal Slavery Imagine you being tested on what do you think that feels like ? The total amount of animals used for testing on agriculture experiments is 1.13 million. This is only in the agriculture industry. Now imagine all the other industries that allow animal testing.They’re rights are being violated and there is nothing they can do about it but just take the pain that they don’t deserve. All of this could be stopped but to stop it has to begin somewhere. Animal testing does nothingRead MoreAnimal Experimentation Should Be Abolished1211 Words   |  5 PagesAnimal experimentation is used across the world to develop new medicines and to test the safety of other products. The history of animal experimentation dates back to the ancient times when scientists made use of animals principally to satisfy anatomical curiosity. They would examine sensory and motors nerves to gain a deeper understanding of their functions. The testing of these animals is not a widespread topic that we ar e talking about in today’s society. We seem to have just accepted the factRead MoreSave Animals. Say No to Animal Testing!1390 Words   |  6 PagesArgumentative essay: Save animals. Say no to animal testing! Nowadays, it is a well-known fact that many companies test their products like cosmetics and medicines with animals before production to check their products ’safety and quality. A huge amount of animals are used in research purpose every year. Is it right for human beings to sacrifice millions of animals for testing purpose? Should animal testing be banned? Animal testing is a controversial issue and there is a heated debated about prosRead MoreAnimal Experimentation Should Not Be Banned857 Words   |  4 Pagesmeaning about animal experimentation. Animal experimentation is the use of animals, mostly monkeys, on research. Reason being as to why monkeys is because monkeys are far more intelligent than other animals. Animals are stripped from the environment and are tested on so scientists can make products safe for humans. The big problem is that it is inhumane. Animal experimentation should and needs to be stopped because it is cruel, unethical, and not reliable. Having scientists test on animals is cruelRead MoreAnimal Testing And Biological Experiments1308 Words   |  6 PagesAnimals, humans, alike are thinking breathing and emotional creatures that habit this beautiful Earth. Every year over 100 million animals die from animal testing and biological experiments (Peta.) Animals may not be able to reason or talk, but they can suffer. They feel pain and fear similarly to the way humans do, in fact their reactions to pain are almost identical. Therefore should not be taken advantage of or used as test dummies. The consequence of testing on animals for the greater good doesRead MoreArgumentative Essay On Animal Testing1485 Words   |  6 Pagesinhale toxic gases. This is just a couple examples of the pain and suffering animals go through while being experimented on. Experimentation can be defined as a process that performs a scientific procedure that usually takes place in the lab to dictate something. Animal experimentation is unethical because of the many terrible tests conducted, it’s cruel, animals are equivalent to humans, and it’s not necessary. Animal testing has been around for a long time. Going all the way back to 384 - 322 BCRead MoreAnimal Testing : Is It Right?912 Words   |  4 PagesAnimal Testing: is it Right? Animal testing, also known as animal experimentation, or animal research, is the use of non-human animals in experiments. While most people think animal testing is necessary, others are upset by what they see as needless suffering. Experimentation on animals help scientists increase knowledge about the way the human body works. Animal research can also expand the knowledge of biological, medical, psychological studies, and has led to vaccines against smallpox, measles

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